25 juni 2020 — Consulta l'aggiornamento dell'azienda NORD EMBALLAGE: Elopak har lanserat Pure Pak Imagine, som är en modern version av Pure 


The collaboration between Elopak and Stora Enso has resulted in the launch of the first gable top cartons made from natural brown unbleached paperboard, creating the Naturally Pure-Pak® carton with a highly distinctive, natural look and feel.

Pure-Pak ® Sense and Classic cartons can be filled on the same filling line. Elopak´s new Pure-Pak ® Sense carton range is fully compatible with recent Elopak filling lines. All latest installed Elopak filling lines are retrofittable, others on request. Pure-Pak ® Sense . The Pure-Pak ® Sense carton is a contemporary pack with improved appearance and functionality. With a printed top fin and smooth front, it stands out as modern and tall on shelf.

Elopak pure pak

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2017 — Elopak lanserar Pure-Pak® förpackningar med Stora Ensos nya oblekta kartong Natura Life(TM) Samarbetet mellan Elopak och Stora Enso har  Elopak har samarbetat med Arla Foods i Sverige och lanserat flera ekologiska EKO-produkter med 4 feb. 2021 — Norska Elopak kommer i dagarna att bryta miljardvallen för sina mejeriförpackningar Pure-Pak, tillverkade i ”Natural Brown”-kartong. 12 okt. 2018 — The new Natural Brown Board Pure-Pak® cartons are carbon neutral and introduced only one year after Elopak launched the first fresh gable  3 aug. 2019 — Samarbetet mellan Elopak och Stora Enso har resulterat i Enligt ett pressmeddelande från Elopak harPure-Pak-förpackningen ett naturligt  12 dec. 2019 — Samarbetet mellan Elopak och Stora Enso har resulterat i Enligt ett pressmeddelande från Elopak harPure-Pak-förpackningen ett naturligt  Elopak.

Elopak’s Pure-Pak® cartons offer a sustainable, natural and convenient alternative to plastic bottles and fit with a low carbon Elopak | 13,797 followers on LinkedIn.

Elopak har lanserat Pure Pak Imagine, som är en modern version av Pure Pak-originalet och försedd med den ursprungliga öppningsmekanismen. Läs mer på Packnews.se . 0 Shares. Packnews.se. Previous Post Pilotprojekt ska visa om alger kan minska kors metanutsläpp Next Post Ny teknik med livsmedelsånga i film bromsar mögeltillväxt.

OSLO, Norway, June 15, 2020 (Press Release) -Elopak, a leading global supplier of carton packaging and filling equipment for liquid food, has launched the Pure-Pak ® Imagine, its most environmentally friendly carton to date. The new carton is a modern version of the company’s original Pure-Pak ® carton, designed with an easy open feature.

Hitta information om Elopak AB. Adress: Landskronavägen 20, Postnummer: 252 32. Telefon: 042-450 53 ..

Elopak pure pak

E : elopak@elopak.com. Quick links Plastic Free World Conference & Expo 2020 sponsor Elopak has unveiled the Pure-Pak Imagine, which it suggests is its most environmentally friendly carton to date. The new carton is a modern version of the company’s original Pure-Pak carton, designed with an easy-open feature. Elopak is a Norwegian company producing cartons for liquids, starting with aseptic gable top cartons for milk.The company was founded in 1957 by Johan Henrik Andresen and Christian August Johansen as a European licensee of Pure-Pak, the Elopak name standing for European License Of PURE-PAK.In 1987, Elopak bought the Ex-Cell-O Packaging Systems Division from which it was originally a licensee Elopak, a global supplier of carton packaging and filling equipment for liquid food, has launched the Pure-Pak Imagine, which the company said is its most environmentally-friendly carton to date. The new carton is a modern version of the company’s original Pure-Pak carton, designed with an easy open feature. 2020-06-16 2015-11-20 The Pure-Pak carton historically is the iconic fresh beverage pack, and with the new shape of the top fin introduced with the Pure-Pak Imagine, Elopak adds a further important point of differentiation.

Elopak pure pak

Elopak AB,556709-5152 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Elopak AB. Produktion av Pure - Pakkartonger ( motsvarigheten till Tetra Pak ) Elopak A / S , Norge Horisontellt 1988 A / S Lagerman Jun . 149 223 Tillverkning av laktrits-  elopak-miljard-utvald. Related Posts. Tetra Paks nya förslutningar minskar plastnedskräpningen · Norska Quantafuel växer inom kemisk återvinning av plast​  Norska Elopak skriver att man är den första tillverkaren som levererat över en (​2018-06-21) ”Att nå en miljard förnybara förpackningar är en viktig milstolpe för Elopak och ett Tetra Paks nya förslutningar minskar plastnedskräpningen  Hitta information om Elopak AB. Adress: Landskronavägen 20, Postnummer: 252 32. Telefon: 042-450 53 ..
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Enheten, som årligen omsätter cirka 340 miljoner kronor och sysselsätter  Vårt mest kända varumärke är Pure-Pak ®.

Register entry: Entry in the Handelsregister. Registering court: Mannheim Registration number: HRB 737110. VAT: Pure-Pak Diamond + curve 70x70 1000ml + EloCap UE light. Pure-Pak Diamond 70x70 750ml + PT Optima.
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Elopak is the owner of the Pure-Pak® carton brand. A naturally sustainable, convenient and consumer preferred alternative to plastic bottles. Conserving liquid foods in cartons instead of plastic bottles is better for everyone, in every way.

resulting for instance from the combination of purely qualitative selection  38 Arlagårdar bröt mot djurskyddslagen förra året Foto. Julie Dillman (​swedishjule) - Profile | Pinterest Foto. Gå till. Elopak Launches Pure-Pak Cartons with New  12 jan. 2004 — En uppskattning är att Tetra Pak har en vinstmarginal på 20 procent, vilket är dubbelt så bra som konkurrenterna Elopak och SIG Combibloc.

Launching Pure-Pak ® Imagine . No need to imagine the most sustainable carton – it’s here! Pure-Pak ® Imagine is our most environmentally friendly carton to date. It is a modern version of our original Pure-Pak ® carton – designed with an easy open feature. The natural solution to the global need to reduce the usage of plastic bottles

1,679 likes · 41 talking about this. Packaging by Nature™. Elopak’s Pure-Pak® cartons offer a sustainable, natural and convenient alternative to plastic bottles and fit with a low carbon Il cartone Naturally Pure-Pak è stato sviluppato da Elopak in collaborazione con Stora Enso, fornitore leader di soluzioni rinnovabili in imballaggi, biomateriali, costruzioni in legno e carta. L’obiettivo generale era quello di produrre un materiale che mantenesse il naturale colore marrone delle fibre di legno e allo stesso tempo fosse più sostenibile e più efficiente in termini di risorse. Pure-Pak® 纸盒现已发展成为一系列包含各种技术创新的纸盒,满足不断变化的消费者需求。 其便利性、安全性以及质量均有所提高。 Elopak包装研发总监 Ole-Petter Trovaag解释 “我们一直与客户、消费者、零售商、分销商、品牌供应商,当然还有我们的原材料供应商密切合作着。 Elopak社の紙容器は再生可能で二酸化炭素の排出が少ないパッケージの選択肢のひとつであり、多くの高付加価値飲料と流通ブランドに使用されています。Elopak社のPure-Pak®液体用紙容器は2015年に100周年を迎えました。 Ursprünglich stand ELOPAK für „European Licence of PURE PAK“, eine Unternehmung in Oslo, Norwegen, die 1957 das in den USA bekannte "PURE PAK"-Verpackungssystem (Giebelkarton) auf dem europäischen Markt einführte. Since its launch, Elopak’s Natural Brown Board has served as a platform for further sustainability-focused innovations, including the Pure-Pak Imagine launched in 2020.

Visiting address: Karenslyst Allé 53, 0275 Oslo. P : +47 31 27 10 00 F : +47 31 27 15 00. E : elopak@elopak.com. Quick links Plastic Free World Conference & Expo 2020 sponsor Elopak has unveiled the Pure-Pak Imagine, which it suggests is its most environmentally friendly carton to date.