"Four RBI Day for Kenzie Boltz Spells Out Victory For Cheyenne Extreme 18U - Galicia Over Gering Logoz, Gering NE" Follow live play-by-play, scores and stats on Gering Logoz, Gering NE at Cheyenne Extreme 18U - Galicia. Watch as the live game is scored. GameChanger is the best free mobile Prep Softball scorekeeping application, used by teams like Cheyenne Extreme 18U - Galicia for full


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Logoz is estimated to generate $169,509 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 2 people at 2020-7-31 · Extreme 18U drops early lead to Gering Logoz. CHEYENNE – The Cheyenne Extreme under-18 softball team jumped out to an early lead, but was unable to hold and lost 3-2 to the Gering Logoz on Sunday. Logoz. Screen Printing Embroidery Design Punching Embroidery.

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"Adrenaline U18 Takes a Tough Blow From Gering Logoz" Follow live play-by-play, scores and stats on Gering Logoz at Adrenaline. Watch as the live game is scored. GameChanger is the best free mobile Youth Softball scorekeeping application, used by teams like Adrenaline for full, detailed and accurate season and player statistics.

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"Four RBI Day for Kenzie Boltz Spells Out Victory For Cheyenne Extreme 18U - Galicia Over Gering Logoz, Gering NE" Follow live play-by-play, scores and stats on Gering Logoz, Gering NE at Cheyenne Extreme 18U - Galicia. Watch as the live game is scored. GameChanger is the best free mobile Prep Softball scorekeeping application, used by teams like Cheyenne Extreme 18U - Galicia for full

Logoz gering

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