We have come up with 50 general knowledge quiz questions which you can use or just test yourselves. They range from politics to sport, geography, history, you name it.


New Year Quiz 2021 I’ve been looking back at all the years of this millenium/century. I know that purists will insist that 2000 was in the previous century but lets just stay with the common concensus and start the century with 2000. I won’t ask a question about 2021 …

Intelligent and challenging quizzes from Radio 4. Related Content. 2021-03-21 · Next Quiz: Thursday 25th March 2021, 20.15 (UK) Posted by bodegaquiz March 21, 2021 Posted in Uncategorized Hello there, here’s everything you need to know if you would like to play the Bodega Quiz, Newcastle’s legendary pub quiz, which is currently being played online. 5 Mar 2021. Quiz of The Week. To find out, put your knowledge to the test with our Quiz of The Week. 26 Feb 2021.

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Plus, if the picture round is always your favourite round, check out our UK picture quiz now. It has 5 challenging picture rounds all relating to UK culture. Oh and if you’re looking for non-travel quizzes, make sure you check out Ultimate Quiz Questions – a site packed with the world’s best quizzes on every topic. 2021 Quiz Quiz: What's happening in 2021? On what day of the week does 2021 start in the UK? Can you express the year 2021 in roman numerals? On January 20, Joe Biden is scheduled to be inaugurated as President of the United States, who will be his Vice President? Don’t let your quiz nights go stale (Picture: Getty) It looks like the UK will be in lockdown for a while longer, with pubs and the like set to remain closed for the time being..

9 Jan 2021 05:00, 9 JAN 2021 Our food and drink quiz will test your knowledge on wine, cheese, ice cream and more (Image: Getty Ryanair and Jet2 issue major updates on flights from Manchester Airport and other UK destinations. 24 Dec 2020 Challenge your friends and family and put your knowledge to the test with our Well here's 150 TV quiz questions for you including rounds of films, the The Call the Midwife 2021 Christmas Special filming begins 21 Jul 2020 a selection of history questions perfect for your next trivia round… bus company that refused to employ black and Asian drivers in which UK  8 Feb 2021 Bonus teaching resource! Download the editable PowerPoint used for this quiz to run as a slideshow with your students and/or add your own  24 Nov 2020 Take our quiz to find what hobby suits you!

Jan 2, 2021 Pour yourself the drink (or two) of your choice and test your general sure you sign up using your Kent log inhttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e.

The great British pub quiz: a time old tradition that tests your trivia alongside how much beer you need to consume to become a genius (or at least, think you’re one). Quiz: a week in 12 23 April 2021 Test your wit. Print view; Weekly Quiz; Quiz: a week in 12 questions + Caption Competition 203 981 8080 support@theday.co.uk Take our monthly quiz and put your knowledge to the test. It’s been another busy month, but how much of March 2021 do you remember?

Pub quiz trivia questions from politics to geography and sport. By. Chris Harper SEO Writer. 11:25, 21 JAN 2021; Updated 11:22, 23 JAN 2021 What is the name of the paper company where the UK version of The Office is based?

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https 2021-01-22 · These Are The 15 Best Quizzes From January 2021. Has it been only one month since 2020? by Jamie Spain.

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2021-03-21 · Next Quiz: Thursday 25th March 2021, 20.15 (UK) Posted by bodegaquiz March 21, 2021 Posted in Uncategorized Hello there, here’s everything you need to know if you would like to play the Bodega Quiz, Newcastle’s legendary pub quiz, which is currently being played online. Pub Quiz Questions & Answers UK | Ultimate Guide. The great British pub quiz: a time old tradition that tests your trivia alongside how much beer you need to consume to become a genius (or at least, think you’re one). Quiz: a week in 12 23 April 2021 Test your wit.
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Dec 26, 2020 What date did the UK go into its first lockdown? Which music festival has had to postpone its 50th anniversary celebrations to 2021?

Which English supermodel was born in Streatham in  May 17, 2020 We provide the 72 questions (and the answers) to make the quiz-master's job a doddle! Nov 24, 2020 It can be tough to know where to start when taking up a new hobby. Take our quiz to find what hobby suits you! Last updated: 24 Nov 2020  Jul 21, 2020 57 history questions for your home pub quiz Where was the first British colony in the Americas?
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May 23, 2020 What is the oldest recorded town in the UK? 3. What is Europe's largest port? 4. Which European country shares its border with the most 

Which country has never progressed passed the first round of the World Cup? 3. In which English county would you find St Michaels Mount? 4.


What date was the first UK lockdown announced by Boris Johnson? 2. What's the name of Joe Biden's wife, who will become the First Lady in 2 Jan 8, 2021 Our first regular film quiz of the year covers real-life rulers, mystery This round is about new UK cinema releases and general film history from this And finally – set in the far-off and futuristic year of 2021, w May 18, 2020 Try this quiz on your kids for a bit of homeschool fun. 09:14, 18 MAY 2020; Updated 14:03, 6 JAN 2021 a photo of their children's work - all of which will appear online at www.inyourarea.co.uk and in your loca May 2, 2020 Who was the winner of the first ever UK series of 'I'm A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!'? 23. Which English supermodel was born in Streatham in  May 17, 2020 We provide the 72 questions (and the answers) to make the quiz-master's job a doddle! Nov 24, 2020 It can be tough to know where to start when taking up a new hobby.

Shaun The Sheep Movie 3. What instrument does Riz Ahmed’s heavy metal musician play in […] Test yourself with the Quiz of the Week! Homepage. Accessibility links 'We must not forget those who helped us shape the UK' 13 hours ago 13 hours ago.