Jackson Lu | Globalization, Culture, Diversity, Creativity, Ethics. Welcome! I am the Mitsui Career Development Assistant Professor of Work and Organization Studies at MIT Sloan, where I teach Negotiation. My research focuses on culture and globalization.


Professional development and career options. To us at Lund University, it is important to be able to offer you professional development from day one of your employment. Career opportunities are numerous and varied within the University and academia at large, but also outside of academia.

8 a.m.-5 p.m. Career Services connects Liberty University students and alumni with career opportunities through impactful coaching, employer connections, and valuable work Prepare for your career in the LU Career Zone Do you want to be optimally prepared for your future career? In the Leiden University Career Zone you can find everything you need for the best possible start to your career. Career tests Take professional career tests and learn more about yourself and the types of job that would suit you best.

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Intramed. Medicinska fakultetens webbplats för medarbetare (Intramed) finns kvar på samma adress som tidigare. https://www.med.lu.se/intramed. Om du har frågor, vänligen kontakta webbredaktionen@med.lu.se.

In this context, the BCL offers its employees various opportunities to move towards new positions within its structure; The BCL also takes part in exchange programs within the Eurosystem. Career Guidance Students at the Faculty of Social Sciences looking for career guidance are welcome to refer to the faculty's CV and apply for a job webpages.

The Career Planning module is available to students and student advisors, lecturers, tutors of Leiden University who work with students using this module. Young alumni can also make use of all the information and tools provided in the LU Career Zone. The module is accessible via ULCN inlog.

Career Guidance Students at the Faculty of Social Sciences looking for career guidance are welcome to refer to the faculty's CV and apply for a job webpages. These pages offer you perspectives, tips and tools on how to apply for a job, how to write a resume, the importance of voluntary work and traineeship, how to be innovative and how start up your own company or project.

Do elite and sub-elite athletes show different career development paths? A study with Danish athletes involved in individual sports. Abstract from Nordic Conference 2010. Interdisciplinary perspectives on health, participation and effects of sport and exercise, .

Lu career development

Connecting with students at an early stage means getting to know your employees, managers and leaders of the future, and we provide you an opportunity to establish contacts with our students and benefit from their competence. Pernilla Thellmark and Stina Vikingson from LUSEM Career Services. Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) training courses: LIH Training & Workshops. Yearly series of short training sessions in four categories: scientific skills, transferable skills, methodology, intellectual property.

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Annual leave, leave of absence and sick leave. Career & development. Docent appointments. DUCO – management training for the Faculty of Medicine.
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The LISER Doctoral Programme offers the Doctoral candidates an active and stimulating learning and research environment, where they are trained in wide areas 

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Career opportunities. With a MSc in Innovation and Global Sustainable Development, you will qualify for any profession that requires capability of intellectual judgement, evaluation and analysis of economic facts and ideas, and good communication skills. This programme will give you plenty of career opportunities both at national and international

Lund University offers a range of activities that contribute in different ways to career development for academic staff, either within or outside academia. Read more hereResearch Services has put together a document with useful tips and information for researchers at different stages of their career (from doctoral students to well established researchers). The document is available through LU-box: Your career development.

Interdisciplinary perspectives on health, participation and effects of sport and exercise, . Jackson Lu | Globalization, Culture, Diversity, Creativity, Ethics. Welcome! I am the Mitsui Career Development Assistant Professor of Work and Organization Studies at MIT Sloan, where I teach Negotiation.