The official website for Air Force e-Publishing. for downloading or ordering. RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication. OPR: HQ AFPC/EO Supersedes: AFI 36-1201, 12 February 2007, AFI 36-2706, 29 July 2004, AFPAM 36-2704, 1 February 1998 and AFPAM 36-2705, 28 February 1995 Certified by: AF/A1Q (Mr. Dwayne E. Walker) Pages: 156
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Get And Sign Af Form 4380 2002-2021 . Your dental health as part of the family member relocation clearance for travel* If you are enrolled in the TRICARE Dental Plan your civilian dentist completes this form* If you are not enrolled in the TRICARE Dental Plan your military dental treatment facility completes this form* PRINCIPAL PURPOSE 1a* PATIENT NAME Last First Middle Initial b.
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SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 380–67 Personnel Security Program This rapid action revision, dated 24 January 2014--o Revises criteria for application of security standards (para 2-4 q).
The National Resource Directory does not endorse the views and/or facts presented, or any commercial products that may be advertised or available on external links. Upon assignment notification (RIP) your Outbound Assignments Counselor will provide an AF 4380 as part of your out-processing check-list. If you do NOT have a dependent enrolled in EFMP and you mark all “No” responses on the AF 4380, then you do not have to out-process with EFMP. Forward completed DD Form 2792 and DD Form 2792-1, if applicable, with any supporting attachments to the Exceptional Family Member Program-Medical office in the military treatment facility at the base or location where the sponsor’s personnel functions are handled.
Army crews and Air Force Guardian Angel teams conducted the ex- ercise to build 37. 4,380. 3,710. 2015. 22. 7,000. 3,545. 2016. 14. 5,500. 3,498. 2017. 17. 5,200. 3,438.
Mar 21, 2019 AMAF for supervisors (enlisted and officers) is 4380 (12 hours per day). g. (IPO ), and the Air Force Material Command, Supple Chain Army crews and Air Force Guardian Angel teams conducted the ex- ercise to build 37. 4,380. 3,710. 2015.
3,545. 2016. 14. 5,500. 3,498. 2017. 17.