av J Kolu · 2017 · Citerat av 6 — Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 11, 81–93. Mauranen, A. 2007. Hybrid Voices: English as the Lingua Franca of Academics. I: K. Flottum
Anna Mauranen, University of Helsinki. Abstract. The academic field has used English as a lingua franca widely for a long time, and is a good choice for an ELF
Vol. 24, p. 283-292 Keywords [en] english as a lingua franca, contrastive rhetoric, academic english National Category INTRODUCTION ANNA MAURANEN English has established its position as the global lingua franca beyond any doubt; along with this status, it has become one of the symbols of our English as a lingua franca by Anna Mauranen, unknown edition, Hooray! You've discovered a title that's missing from our library.Can you help donate a copy? 2010-02-01 · English as a Lingua Franca by Anna Mauranen, 9781443817264, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. HES Special Issue on English as a Lingua Franca: Anna Mauranen and Niina Hynninen (eds).
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Franca, ed. Jennifer Jenkins, Will Baker and Martin Dewey (London: Public Lecture: English as a Lingua Franca; Centre for Global Englishes seminars; Graduate student discussion groups and seminars; Research activities : 21 Aug 2009 English has spread and is used around the world, often as a rational and Anna Mauranen's ELFA corpus (English as a Lingua Franca in Teaching – Anna Mauranen: Investigating English as a Lingua Franca with a on Linguistic Complexity in Spoken and Written Present-day English – Amalia Pris: 869 kr. E-bok, 2009. Laddas ned direkt.
Helsinki English Studies 6, 29–43. HES Special Issue on English as a Lingua Franca: Anna Mauranen and Niina Hynninen (eds).
9 Apr 2017 PDF | On Jan 1, 2016, Anna Mauranen and others published English as the academic lingua franca | Find, read and cite all the research you
Anna Mauranen Most of the time ELF bears a veryclose resemblance to Standard English, but signs of Academically speaking: English as the Lingua Franca. Anna Mauranen Titel på gästpublikation, Specialised English : New Directions in ESP and EAP Fler språk. Utmatningsformat. html, text, asciidoc, rtf.
The Impact of English as a Lingua Franca. $34.99 (P). Editors: Anna Mauranen, University of Helsinki
' She ' s mixing the two languages together ' – Forms and functions of code- switching in English as a lingua franca. In Anna Mauranen & Elina Ranta (eds.) two parts: one is the ELFA (English as a Lingua Franca in Academic Settings) corpus project, E-mail addresses: anna.mauranen@helsinki.fi (A. Mauranen), Amazon配送商品ならEnglish As a Lingua Franca: Studies and Findingsが通常 配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Mauranen, Anna, Ranta Keynote Speakers. Anna Mauranen. Department of Languages. University of Helsinki (Finland).
Pris: 1078 kr. e-bok, 2009. Laddas ned direkt. Köp boken English as a Lingua Franca av Anna Mauranen, Elina Ranta (ISBN 9781443815819) hos Adlibris. Features of English as a lingua franca in academia. Anna Mauranen Most of the time ELF bears a veryclose resemblance to Standard English, but signs of
Academically speaking: English as the Lingua Franca. Anna Mauranen Titel på gästpublikation, Specialised English : New Directions in ESP and EAP
Fler språk.
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While it has been a subject of controversy for some time, linguistic observations on actual use have largely been missing out of the debate.
Ennå ikke utkommet. Kjøp boken Reflexively Speaking av Anna Mauranen (ISBN 9783110286779) hos Adlibris.com. Fri frakt. Vi har mer enn 10 millioner bøker, finn din neste leseopplevelse i dag!
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Nordic Journal of English Studies · Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Special Issue: Culture Vol 5, No 2 (2006): Special issue: English as a Lingua Franca, A Rich Domain of ELF - the ELFA Corpus of Academic Discourse, Abstract PDF. Anna Mauranen.
Köp boken English as a Lingua Franca av Anna Mauranen, Elina Ranta (ISBN 9781443815819) hos Adlibris. Alltid bra priser och snabb leverans. | Adlibris English as a lingua franca has become a hot topic in Applied Linguistics and English Studies. While it has been a subject of controversy for some time, linguistic observations on actual use have largely been missing out of the debate. This is now changing fast, and the study of English as a lingua franca has become a vibrant research field.
Anna Mauranen English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) is a complex form of language contact, which is viewed from three key perspectives: the cognitive, the micro‐social /interactional, and the
e-bok, 2009. Laddas ned direkt.
As for the disciplinary domains, the ELFA corpus is composed of social sciences (29% of the recorded data), technology (19%), humanities (17%), natural sciences (13%), medicine (10%), behavioural sciences (7%), and economics and administration (5%) (see also Mauranen, Hynninen & Ranta (2010) English as an academic lingua franca: The ELFA project. English as a lingua franca : studies and findings. / Mauranen, Anna (Editor); Ranta, Elina (Editor). Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. 385 p. Research output: Book/Report › Anthology or special issue › Scientific › peer-review English as a Lingua Franca: Studies and Findings - Ebook written by Anna Mauranen, Elina Ranta. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices.